About This Game Adventure. Gunslingers. Outlaws. Shoot-outs. War. You’ll find none of those things in the one-horse town of Cow Stone Bell, as Jo will be the first to tell you. Raised by her slob of an uncle on the far edge of the Wild West, she suffers from endless boredom and longs for the action and excitement on display in the “dime novels” she spends so much time reading. But after a letter arrives from the President addressed to her no-good and nowhere to be found father, fate conspires to give her exactly what she wished for—wrapped up in a journey that will take her further from home than she ever expected. Unfortunately, Jo is about to learn that a life of adventure may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Being set primarily in an alternate universe version of the Wild West, Dead End Junction hits on themes relevant to the setting, such as treatment of the Native American population and the scars left by the Civil War (represented in-universe by the Fuuro and the Border War respectively); many of which are applicable to life in the world today. The soundtrack is heavily influenced by music of the era as well, with a mix of original tunes and arrangements of classics like "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "Home on the Range." Dead End Junction was written and directed by Hidume, the sole member of 773, creator of the acclaimed Cherry Tree High series and fan of old Westerns like The Magnificent Seven and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Their sharp sense of humor is on full display here, though they do an excellent job proving they can write a serious story with this title as well. Localized by the start-up publisher Culture Select, Dead End Junction is a kinetic novel that captures the aura of the Wild West while addressing social issues that are relevant to contemporary society. 7aa9394dea Title: Dead End JunctionGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:773Publisher:Culture SelectRelease Date: 23 Sep, 2016 Dead End Junction Crack Graphics Fix dead end road junction camping. dead end junction #2. dead end junction download. dead end junction review. dead end junction gameplay. dead end junction. dead end road junction. dead end junction steam. dead end road junction alberta. dead end junction cg. dead end junction #2 deadman's bullet. dead end junction vndb. dead end junction 日本語化 Having played a few visual novels in my time I can recommend this to anyone trying to get into the visual novel scene.This is a perfect "starter" for anyone that isnt sure what a visual novel is. For those a bit more experienced its still a pretty entertaining and easy to read book infact thats what makes it good, its easy, to read.Its story is easy to follow, the visual style also keeps it fresh and every mini plot within each episode keeps every episode interesting so you never get bored.Id say its a nice little ride from beginning to end, enjoy it, its worth the price and the buy.Only downside is its got no voice acting and the music is a hit/miss thing depending on your tastes. Its sound quality can also be a little blasting even when you've got the volume low.Still, its a good ride no catch required.Id recommend it to anyone, honestly.. A visual novel that aims to re-create the Wild Western dime-novel experience in a comicbook-like format, Dead End Junction hits all its targets. The cast was an entertaining mix of heroes, villand, and anti-heroes engaged in a plot full of adventure. There was plenty of lightness and humor, and while the story addressed heavier material, it never let itself get mired down in it: just like the heroine Josette, it would always pull itself up by the bootstraps.I found the ride thrilling and engaging. There is an awful lot of content for the cost, and aside some editing lapses the production quality is high. I recommend Dead End Junction to anyone who enjoys a good story.More please.. I'm about 2 hours in but I was reading a bit slow so we can round that down to an hour and a half maybe? Anyway, I'm really liking this game so far since the characters have great designs and personality but I have yet to come to any choice. It seems to be hinting at a pretty big story so maybe I still have to slog through more exposition. If you're looking for something quick to play and get through you might want to look somewhere else but if you like the art and characters I say you may as well get this while it's on sale! P.S Everyone is great but Flan and Jo are adorable.. Having played a few visual novels in my time I can recommend this to anyone trying to get into the visual novel scene.This is a perfect "starter" for anyone that isnt sure what a visual novel is. For those a bit more experienced its still a pretty entertaining and easy to read book infact thats what makes it good, its easy, to read.Its story is easy to follow, the visual style also keeps it fresh and every mini plot within each episode keeps every episode interesting so you never get bored.Id say its a nice little ride from beginning to end, enjoy it, its worth the price and the buy.Only downside is its got no voice acting and the music is a hit/miss thing depending on your tastes. Its sound quality can also be a little blasting even when you've got the volume low.Still, its a good ride no catch required.Id recommend it to anyone, honestly.. Wild West Waifus. What's not to love about this?773 \/ 5.P.S: I'll do a proper review once i'm done with this, but so far the game looks great, music fits well (nothing out of extraordinary, but it does its job), the characters don't seem as bland as usual, and the story\/world feels nicely built, natural. Also, I've no issues with the translation so far, as it's blending with the setting quite well. No memes spotted either, except for the main char being named after JoJo...As expected, the comic boobs style makes it more immersive\/engaging than usual.. A charming VN with excellent artwork.. Calling this product a game would be an overstatement. There are no choices to speek of, so it's not even a Visual Novel.Right from the get-go, Dead End Junction presents itself a digital dime novel.And its easy to see why; It was build from the ground up to be a short, pulpy cowboy flick. But that doesn't mean it's bad, as i learned.8 hours may seem on the short side for VN's, but because of it, DEJ has got really excellent pacing. There is always someting going on and no plotpoint is lingered on to long.The characters are very well written, and although some are a bit trope-y, they play off each other superbly.And finally, the world of DEJ is great. At the start it seems like your typical Wild-West World but it dosn't take long until this notion is abandoned for a much more interesting setting.The only valid criticism i have is that the action is downplayed quite a lot. All fights are just one still frame and some sounds. There isn't even a description of the fight, its just *kling* *klung* [Fate to Black] and thats it.All in all a very solid ga- digital dime novel thats best experienced over the course of a week in small chunks.7\/10. Darn Good Story~Adorable Characters~Pretty neat soundtrack~ (CD when?)Very interesting setting~If you're interested, give it a shot~'nuff said.. I'm about 2 hours in but I was reading a bit slow so we can round that down to an hour and a half maybe? Anyway, I'm really liking this game so far since the characters have great designs and personality but I have yet to come to any choice. It seems to be hinting at a pretty big story so maybe I still have to slog through more exposition. If you're looking for something quick to play and get through you might want to look somewhere else but if you like the art and characters I say you may as well get this while it's on sale! P.S Everyone is great but Flan and Jo are adorable.. This is a rather unusual novel, at least from my experience. The art is beautiful and the characters seem well-formed, but the story format is prone to giving me a slight headache. Also, I fear my reading speed is a bit faster than the speed I can get the "pages" to advance.That said, it does appear to be a cute, well-researched novella (though in a Weird West setting, instead of the Wild West). So I would recommend it to those who like westerns, or western-fantasies.
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